Compatibility in the Qualification Phase
Information on compatibility options at KIT during the qualification period (doctorate):
- Flexible organization of working hours (flexitime regulation, part-time work) and the workplace (mobile working, parent-child office)
- Family-friendly scheduling of meetings, meetings and events child care offers
- Holiday care for school-age children
- Training and further education opportunities
- Extensive company health management
- Accompanying program for parental leave
- Mentoring programs for young female scientists and much more
All offers for parents can be found on the Equal Opportunities and Personnel Development and Vocational Training (PEBA) websites.
More information on doctoral studies at KIT at und im "Handbuch Promotion" unter
Note: Some doctoral students have a KIT employment contract and can take advantage of measures such as flextime, mobile working, etc. - many are "only" enrolled and therefore have more of a "student status".
More informations:
- PhD programs:
- Individual grants for PhD students:
- Emergency fund to support PhD completion [KHYS]:
- Family reunion [International Scholars and Welcome Office]:
- Doctoral Convention [WiWi]: