working models
Individual models of working time, such as telework or part-time work, offer the necessary flexibility to KIT employees.
KIT promotes work-family balance also in its flexible working time models, among other things. These are agreed upon and adapted to the situation of the respective employee.
Consequently, there are a large number of working time models at the KIT. More detailed information about “Part-time “Work” can be found on the pages of Personnel Service.
To ensure compatibility of work and family at the KIT there is, of course, also the possibility of teleworking. Applications for teleworking are always examined individually so as to take into account the personal needs and conditions of the applicant. There is, therefore, no service agreement or written record of the criteria applicable.
If you are interested in teleworking, simply turn to the competent Personnel Officer in PSE.
Exemption from working
In special conditions you can get an exemption from working which is part of the collective agreement.
You can find all important facts here.