What to do if my child has psychological problems? New "BPtK Parents' Guide to Psychotherapy".
When children develop psychological problems, parents often wonder whether they have done something wrong and whether they are responsible. This is one of the questions addressed by the new website of the German Federal Chamber of Psychotherapists (BPtK). The website features age-specific recommendations, testimonials, and focus areas on a variety of topics.
Family-phone of the city of Karlsruhe and the Kinderbüro offers support in time of corona
The family-phone will support families with professional advice and support according their family lives in time of corona. The daily life of families has massivly changed because of childcare - and school-closings as a consequence of Corona. Here you will find the family-phone. All offers of the Kinderbüro here.
Online portal for women's shelter search
The nationwide women's shelter search of the Central Information Center of Autonomous Women's Shelters (ZIF). At the click of a mouse, women affected by violence can find out where the nearest women's shelter is located, whether there are any vacancies, and what admission options are available.
The search portal can be found here.
Help points of domestic violence
The help-phone „violence against women“ („Gewalt gegen Frauen“) is anonymous, free of charge and can be reached in several languages: 08000 116 016.
You can also choose an online consulting www.hilfetelefon.de
The help-phone „violence against men“ can be reached on 0800 123 99 00.
Here you can find all information about the national campaign „stronger than violence“ („Stärker als Gewalt“).
Advisory services for children, young people, parents, women and men
The diaconia Baden -Württemberg has compiled a range of support services for families.
The Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung e.V. offers various qualified assistance by professionals. The consultation is strictly confidential and free of charge. Certain counselling services are specialised in counselling for migrant families or families with babies or infants.
The Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Jugend- und Eheberatung e.V. presents an online counselling guide with counselling services for families, mothers, fathers, children, young people, migrants, women, men, pregnant women, partnerships etc.
The Nationale Zentrum für Frühe Hilfen refers to contact points for parents of children between 0 and 3 years in difficult situations, for future parents or parents with questions concerning the education of babies or infants.
Help-phone „pregnant women in need“ („Schwangere in Not“)
The free telephone number 0800-4040020 offers a round-the clock-and everyday consultation that is confidential and anonymous and can be consulted concerning all questions about pregnancy. The help-phone is available for pregnant women as well as for their social environment or professionals.
115: The public authorities’ number for young parents
Applications, forms, documents: A lot of visits to government offices will be necessary for new parents. The fast and reliable public authorities’ number 115 will help in all questions. More information can be found here.
Consultation for future parents and families
The website of the Stadt Karlsruhe offers future parents and families different conusltation services and contact points in all family concerns.
Parent counselling in educational issues
The federal conference for educational counselling (Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung e.V. (bke)) offers a free parent counselling concerning educational worries and problems. You have the opportunity to use the individual counselling or to exchange with other parents in the forum. Click here to visit the website.
Children’s Office
The Children’s Office (Kinderbüro) of the city of Karlsruhe supports families in different issues. The specific areas of this office cooperate with other institutions and independent sponsors. Offers like the babysitter market or facilities for early prevention can also be found on the website of the Children’s Office.
Open consultation hours for job returners
The employment agency Karlsruhe-Raststatt wants to support women and men who come back to work life after a longer career break due to parental leave or nursing care. Mrs. Cordula Schieser is a consultant for job returners and offers an open consultation hour every first Thursday in month from 9.00-11.00 o’clock at the BiZ of the Karlsruher Arbeitsagentur, Brauerstraße 10.
Assistance Project „Pausentaste“ for caring children and youth
The new project „pause button – who helps others, sometimes needs help her/himselves“ („Pausentaste – Wer anderen hilft, braucht manchmal selber Hilfe“) of the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth are offering a consultation service for caring children to reduce overload and to counteract isolation.
You can receive consultation via phone-hotline or via email. Click here to visit the website.