guide of the Federal Ministry
When a child is expected, a large number of questions arise about things now to be considered. The German Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) provides detailed information in its brochures on “Maternity Protection Act” and “Parent Benefits and Parent Time.”
guide of the personnel service of the KIT
You can find further information in the brochure written by the KIT personnel service.
The pages of personnel development contain information about the period of pregnancy with all important facts about the time prior to birth, such as planning the time up to maternity protection, applying for part-time work, etc. Further information about the pregnancy compensation pool run by personnel development can be seen here.
maternaty protection law
In May 2017 the maternity protection law has been regulated. Please find the complete legislative text here. You can find answers to the important questions about maternity protection as well as regular information about this topic on this site. On more than 100 pages, the BMFSFJ published a "maternity protection guideline". You can download the whole document here. Furthermore you can find everything that's important for female employees presented in a short video.
after birth
The period after birth again confronts parents with many questions. Information has been collected by the BMFSFJ in a brochure which is available here.
Also for the period after birth, personnel development at the KIT provides you with the information you need. You will also find a collection of interesting publications on the subject.
You can also find needful information at the personnel service.
parent time
Personnel development of the KIT is available also for any questions about parent time. All important information on the “Parent Benefit and Parent Time” topic can be obtained there and in the pamphlet by the BMFSFJ under the same title here.
Detailed information about “Re-entry” can be found here. You can also obtain personal advice and assistance in questions associated with this topic. A list of the most important contact points is another help.