seminars and workshops
Online-Workshop: Coping with stress
Student parents often face challenging demands in their everyday lives. The workshop "Stress and Coping for Student Parents" provides a new perspective on everyday demands and deals with mindfulness and its implementation in everyday life.
The event will take place online on 18.03.2025 from 20:00 - 21:30.
The registration deadline is 09.03.2025. Further information on the workshop and registration can be found here.
Kinderbüro ON AIR - Webinars of the Children’s Office Karlsruhe: free online lectures on various topics surrounding families with children. For more information or to register please click here.
16.01.2025, 8 p.m.: Being parents, staying in love | zero to eighteen years old
28.01.2025, 8 p.m.: Needs-based parenting | zero to three years old
06.02.2025, 8 p.m.: Sexuality - what, already? | from the age of ten
26.02.2025, 8 p.m. Becoming a standby foster family - ever thought about it? | From the age of zero
27.02.2025, 8 pm: Digital games: Opportunities and risks for children and young people | from the age of six
19.03.2025, 8 pm: My child is starting school | from the age of five
10.04.2025, 8 p.m.: Falling asleep (not) a relaxed topic | zero to three years old
29.04.2025, 8 p.m.: Day of non-violent parenting: Setting boundaries - showing ways | from zero years of age
19.05.2025, 8 p.m.: "Jungle of offers" for young families: sleep coaching, writing advice, parenting tips... What helps with orientation? | From zero to three years
25.06.2025, 8 p.m.: Democracy in the family - how can it succeed? | zero to three years
Newsletter of the Aktionsbüro Gesundheit rund um die Geburt
The newsletter of the Aktionsbüro Gesundheit rund um die Geburt in Niedersachsen informs quarterly about current events concerning pregnancy, birth and parenthood as well as about events in Niedersachsen relevant to the topic. The registration can be found here.
Offers for families with sons and daughters going through puberty
The city of Karlsruhe offers meetings for parents of pubescent teenagers, where they can exchange ideas with other parents about the challenges of parenting in a relaxed atmosphere. There are also two competent contact persons who will lead this group. Further information can be found here. Registration can be done either by phone at 0721/133-5111 or by mail kinderbuero∂karlsruhe de.
Parents LAN: A series of media education events on digital games
Children and young people are enthusiastic about computer games. Adults are often perplexed by the fascination that certain digital game worlds arouse. It is not uncommon for conflicts to arise over gaming behavior in everyday family or school life. The aim of this event is to provide participants with insights into young people's media worlds and to facilitate an exchange of views on media education.
Further information and notes on the event can be found here.