Family-friendly KIT
From 2010 to 2023 the KIT was certified as “University Suitable for Families Audit / Work and Family Audit”. The certificates are awarded to universities and enterprises exercising a family-oriented personnel and student policy and designing the working environment for their employees, scientists and students so as to support the compatibility of family, work, and university studies.
Family friendliness is a constantly relevant topic at KIT and the compatibility of career, studies and family is of great importance. KIT is in an ongoing exchange with other committed universities and will continue to pursue and implement demanding standards of family orientation in accordance with a voluntary commitment.
Since 2014, KIT has been member of the association “Familie in der Hochschule e.V.” (family at the university). This association of universities in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland represents a network characterized by vast experience in the implementation of measures to enhance family friendliness of universities. Work is based on a “charter for balancing family tasks with study, academic education, research, and science-supporting activities at German universities” developed in cooperation with the Center for University Development. Having signed the charter, members are obliged to implement high standards of family friendliness. Measures are taken and further developed in the long term by the universities in their own responsibility.

9th Annual Conference of the Association "Family in Higher Education" (FidH)
Picture: University of Göttingen
The association "Familie in der Hochschule e.V." (FidH) held its 9th annual conference and subsequent working meeting in Göttingen from 7 to 8 May 2024. At the Georg-August-University and University Medical Center Göttingen, the numerous members of the participating universities were first welcomed by Sarah Wenz, who opened the conference on behalf of the board. Greetings were also given by Prof. Dr. Metin Tolan, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Brück and Dr. Thomas Metker. The main topic for 2024 was "Care in or caring universities. Future-oriented paths to a caring university culture" and covered among other subjects the following topics: Reconciling caring responsibilities and career, how parents and carers can be protected from discrimination, vulnerability in everyday university life, balancing studying with caring responsibilities and best practice examples of career and junior staff development for women in university medicine.
In her lecture "Universities in transition: Care culture as the key to the future", Prof. Dr. Isabell Welpe, Chair of Strategy and Organization at the TUM School of Management, reported on the transformation of universities through the introduction and promotion of a care culture. In the interactive forum and the so-called World Café that followed, participants were able to discuss the points raised in greater depth and generate new ideas. Finally, recommendations for action were developed in a variety of presentations and study results were presented. Overall, the response to the annual conference was consistently positive and many new topics and suggestions emerged that will be pursued in the future.
8th Annual Conference of the Association "Family in Higher Education" (FidH)

Prof. Dr. Sonja Kretzschmar (UniBw M), Dr. Thomas Metker (Bundesministerium für Familie), Prof. Dr. Rafaela Kraus (UniBw M), Prof. Dr. Norbert Schneider (Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung), Christel Baumgärtner (UniBw M), Prof. Dr. Frank Ziegele (HS Osnabrueck), Dr. Kornelia Reischl (UniBw M) und Sandra Wiegand (FidH)
Picture: Sandra Wiegand / htw saar
The association "Familie in der Hochschule" (FidH) met in Munich from 22 to 23 November 2022 for its 8th annual conference followed by a working meeting. The University of the Federal Armed Forces Munich hosted the two days and welcomed over 110 university members. The main topic in 2022 was "Family in Change. Diversity as an impulse for the further development of the university system" and dealt with the following questions, for example: How has the reality of families' lives changed and in what ways is this reflected at universities? How is it possible to reconcile studies, work, science and care, and what responsibility do the various actors bear? Are there new impulses for dealing with time for families and time for work, study and science?
In a lecture entitled "Colourful instead of normal? Family and Family Life in Germany", Prof. Dr. Norbert Schneider, retired Director of the Federal Institute for Population Research and President of the German Demographic Society, reported on different family constellations and their challenges. In the subsequent panel discussion, the points raised could be deepened and further explained. Finally, the individual universities presented their best practices on various topics by means of a scenic performance, which was enthusiastically praised by the plenum.
All in all, the response to the annual conference was positive throughout and many new topics and suggestions emerged that are to be pursued further in the future.
The KIT is represented in the association by Sarah Wenz, head of the Equal Opportunities Office, who was re-elected for another two years as one of the three spokespersons on the board. In addition, she heads a working group in the association and thus provides the association members with interesting impulses on the compatibility of studies, career and family.
Families in the Corona crisis | Challenges, experiences and needs
The current challenges involved in dealing with the corona pandemic are also a topic in the “Family in der Hochschule e.V.” (FidH) association and in the association's board of directors.
In particular, the focus is on gender injustice, combined with a relapse into old traditions during the corona pandemic. The association “Family in the University” and the “CHE Gemeinnütziges Centrum für Hochschulentwicklung GmbH” have collaborated on a study to collect results on the family-friendly structure at universities during the pandemic. The results will be published shortly. There will also be an official press release. You can read more statements, information on studying and teaching and the compatibility of family and work under "Families in the Corona Crisis".
Anniversary of the association „Familie in der Hochschule e.V.”
The 6th annual conference of the network “Familie in der Hochschule” on the topic “Quo vadis? Family in the University 2030” took place on 01.10.2019 at the htw saar. The main topics that were discussed were: visions about the future of family equality at universities in German-speaking countries. In workshops and discussion groups, the theme was addressed . At the annual conference in 2019 the KIT was represented by Sarah Wenz. The short movie of the event shows interesting impressions and can be watched out here.