IT offers its students various childcare options
KIT students with child(ren) have the opportunity to register them in one of the two facilities of the Studierendenwerk. The „Blumenland“ children's home is located near the south campus. This kindergarten offers around 60 places for children between the ages of 1 and 6.
The „Sternschnuppe“ day-care center near Campus West offers around 20 places for children between the ages of 2 and 6.
Further information on these institutions can be found on the website of the Studierendenwerk. There you will also find a list with further childcare options in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim.
The AStA website also provides you with detailed information about where you can have your child looked after. Here you will also find out everything you need to know about the "Krone" daycare center of the AWO and the "Kinderkiste", which is an institution run by students for students at KIT and has existed for ten years now.
Parents doing a doctorate at KIT have the option of using the day-care centers of KIT, which provide places for KIT employees. You can find more information about this here.