Welcome to the KIT Family Portal
The KIT, as an employer and a place of university studies, considers it its duty to look after the needs of its employees and students. Working fathers and mothers face the very special challenge of devoting equal attention to their work and to family life as well as to child care. Students who must simultaneously master the education of and care for their children have to make a tremendous effort. All this takes organizational skills, stamina, but also perseverance.
To provide our employees and students with all important information about the compatibility of studies, work, and family, we developed the Family Portal. This is where KIT staff members will find all information associated with family matters. Besides current developments in family-orientedness of the KIT, the Family Portal also shows how to find the right contact.
Online events of the Children's Office
Kinderbüro ON AIR, the online service of the Karlsruhe Children's Office, is offering new events on various topics relating to children and young people growing up. From February 6, 2025, online seminars will be held on various topics relating to child and youth protection, family education and early help. Participation is free of charge, registration is required.
Further information and dates can be found here.
Digital parents' evening
The Medienkompetenz Team Karlsruhe e.V. organizes digital parents' evenings on various topics relating to the use of digital media. The parents' evenings can be attended free of charge and conveniently online from home.
All information and dates can be found here.
Parents in puberty
The Children's Office of the City of Karlsruhe is offering a new parent discussion group on the topic of puberty: From March 10, 2025, parents of adolescents will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other parents in a relaxed atmosphere, get information, guidance and support and raise questions, concerns and problems. Participation is free of charge, a binding registration is required.
All information and dates can be found here.
Event recommendation
The Schröcker Mütze Family Center offers events and courses for parents of young children.
Information on the informal father-child get-together can be found here.
More information about the course series “Fabulous 1st year of life” can be found here (for children born from Sept 2024) and here (for children born from June 2024).
Legal entitlement to a daycare place
In the event that the legal entitlement to a daycare place must be officially asserted, the following sample letter can be sent to the responsible youth welfare office.
Updated information sheet: Parental allowance
There were changes to parental allowance on April 1, 2024. The updated information sheet on parental allowance is now available as of 8/2024. It can now be downloaded as a PDF file.
New edition of the brochure "How to tell my superiors"
Parental leave, returning to work and family-conscious working models: the new edition of the brochure offers employees updated information, tips and support.
Family-friendly employers: a study
A study by Prognos shows what mothers, fathers and family caregivers want and what companies can do.
Support for separated parents
The social enterprise wellcome supports separating families with the website kindwärts by offering free overnight accommodation at the child's new place of residence and various counseling services.
Event tips
The event calendar of the "Bundesforum Männer" offers various exciting opportunities to participate, learn and reflect - it's worth taking a look!
Online advice platform HELB
With the state-wide online advice platform HELB, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration aims to provide (expectant) families of children with a possible disability an online contact point. The online advice platform can be accessed here.
Breatsfeeding location at the Studierendenwerk
The Studierendenwerk has set up a breastfeeding corner for student parents. It is located in the beratungsWERK in the foyer of the Mensa am Adenauerring and is accessible Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Students who would like to take advantage of this are asked to report to the counter of the beratungsWERK beforehand. More information here.
Invitation to the Round Table "Studying with a Child at KIT"
The concerns and wishes of you, the students with child(ren), are very important to us, which is why various actors regularly meet at the round table "Studying with a child at KIT". We would like to get in touch with you and find out what concerns you, what you would like support with or which events and offers interest you. If you would like to take part, please contact Sarah Wenz, Head of the Equal Opportunities Office, by e-mail at sarah.wenz@kit.edu. We look forward to your participation!
Informative online events are offered by the Family Association of Catholics with a series of socio-political seminars and the German Youth Institute with its Lunchbag-Sessions "Famile am Mittag", which contribute to the social discourse on family.
Online counseling for young people and parents
The Bundeskonferenz für Erziehungsberatung e.V. offers anonymous, free online advice for young people and parents, chat groups for young people and webinars on parenting advice.
More safety for children
The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft (BAG) "Mehr Sicherheit für Kinder e.V." presents the new app Kindersicher! and its new website. With the app, parents and grandparents can now obtain information on accident prevention easily and simply on their smartphone.
New edition of the flyer "Help and support during pregnancy"
The Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has updated the flyer. It provides information about assistance from the Federal Foundation Mother and Child and how to apply. The flyer also contains information on various benefits and assistance relating to pregnancy and childbirth. The flyer is available for download here
Children's book tips on programming, the internet and AI
These children's book tips help to explain digitalization to children, answer questions about the internet, introduce a coding pioneer and give an overview of what artificial intelligence can actually do. The books are primarily aimed at children of nursery and primary school age
Reopening of the parent-child learning room | KIT library
The "parent-child learning room" on the 3rd floor of the KIT library is open again - access is regulated by "reservation" (the key to the room can be borrowed from the information desk (from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.)).
More information at https://www.bibliothek.kit.edu/english/parent-child-room.php.
Recommendations for children's use of media
The Reading Foundation provides three services for parents and professionals on how to deal with analog and digital media: "lesenmit.app", "Vorleseideen für die Kita und zu Hause", and "#medienvielfalt". Learn more about the services under "Early Opportunities"
Family portal of the State Family Council
The State Family Council has set up a new online portal for families and professionals. It includes suggestions and links to professionally tested information and consultation offers on various topics.
In the run-up to the European elections, FRÖBEL recommended children's books that report on the countries of Europe or explain how elections work and how the world can be changed peacefully outside of parliaments.
Training for media addiction in children
The University of Tübingen has developed an online training course for parents of children aged 6 to 12 and 12 to 21 who exhibit risky media use behavior. The aim of the training is to empower parents so that they can influence their children's media use.
German Children's Fund publishes Children's Report 2024
The German Children's Fund's Children's Report 2024, the questions and results of the surveys for the 2024 report and a summary of the Children's Report 2024 can be downloaded here.
Family-friendly companies - good examples at a glance
In the database for family-friendly companies, good practice examples and reconciliation measures can be viewed. Using the filter function, it is possible to search by topic, sector, company size and federal state.
Strong together with disabilities
Family caregivers of children, adolescents and adults with severe disabilities feel almost completely left alone. The Baden-Württemberg State Association for People with Physical and Multiple Disabilities has documented the results of an online survey it conducted in spring 2024. It has also updated its guide to short-term residential care for people with disabilities in Baden-Württemberg.
Protecting children in road traffic
The "Mobile children" brochure provides tips on buying scooters, bicycles and skateboards as well as information on how parents can protect their children from road traffic accidents. The brochure can be downloaded here.
Diaper changing table in the KIT library
A folding changing table is now available in the disabled toilet in the basement of the KIT South Library. The key to the toilet is issued via the information desk on the ground floor. More information here.
Free lunchboxes for students with children
All students with children can pick up a free lunchbox at the Equal Opportunitiies Office by appointment. Find more information here.